They’ve come for the babies: Know facts before you vax! 🚨
FDA Voting Member: "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it." 🥲
“Why are we doing trials if when a trial shows no clinical benefit in babies & toddlers (i.e. no statistical significance) the FDA and CDC authorizes a vaccine anyway? This is a very concerning precedent.” Marty Makary, MD, professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Carey School. He also has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine and is Editor-in-Chief of Medpage Today.
First do no harm.
Above all, let us set the children free. Free to grow, to seek, to laugh, to dance, to sing, to learn, to question…. to live in peace and be happy —- to be dreamers of tomorrow’s limitless possibilities and passionate to reach for the stars to change the world.
Extreme caution has been exercised over many aspects of the pandemic, but surely now is the most important time to exercise true caution – we must not be the generation of adults that, through unnecessary haste and fear, risks the health of children.
Flatten the fear with facts — just say know!
Pfizer trial for children 5- to 11-years old.
Did you know that the COVID-19 rates in children ages 5 to 11 are so low that there were ZERO cases of severe COVID-19 and ZERO cases of death from COVID in either the treatment (n= 1,518) or control group (n= 750). This number certainly seems initially underpowered to me, perhaps to not pick up safety signals.
Did you know Pfizer only enrolled “participants 5-11 years of age without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.”? I heard during the FDA committee meeting that an estimated 40 percent of children have had prior COVID. Research shows people with prior COVID have a higher chance of an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
Did you know Pfizer LOST CONTACT with 4.9% of their clinical trial participants? The FDA risk-benefit document states: “Among Cohort 1 participants, 95.1% had safety follow-up ≥2 months after Dose 2 at the time of data cutoff.”
Did you know the follow up period was intentionally too short? Cohort 1 appears to have been followed for 2 months, cohort 2 was only monitored for adverse events for 17 days.
Did you know the risk-benefit model created by the FDA only looks at one known harm from the Pfizer mRNA shot — myocarditis. I personally know many people suffering neurological issues from the vaccine. Why isn’t this being researched?
Did you know Pfizer intentionally wiped out the control group as soon as they could by vaccinating all of the kids who initially got the placebo?
Did you know the FDA model only assesses the benefits of vaccine protection in a 6-month period after completion of two doses?
This is no joking matter! US Senator Rand Paul’s twitter….
Pfizer trial for children 6-months to 5-years old.
Did you know Pfizer found no statistically significant evidence of vaccine efficacy using a 3-dose vaccine in 992 children between the ages 6-months and 5-years?
Did you know that in the subgroup of children aged 6-months to 2-years, the Pfizer trial found that the vaccine could result in a 99% lower chance of infection—but that they also could have a 370% increased chance of being infected. Pfizer reported a range of vaccine efficacy so wide that no conclusion could be inferred.
Moderna’s results for the babies—
Did you know Moderna conducted a study on 6,388 children with two doses and results were not much better?
Did you know that against asymptomatic infections, Moderna claimed a very low vaccine efficacy of just 4% in children aged 6-months to 2-years?
Did you know Moderna claimed an efficacy of 23% in children between 2- and 6-years old—but neither result was statistically significant?
Did you know Moderna’s vaccine did show efficacy that was statistically significant in asymptomatic infection, but the efficacy was low: 50% in children aged 6-months to 2-years, and 42% in children between 2- and 6-years old?
What are they hiding? 🚨🚨 Why are they hiding it? 💰💵
The risk benefit document for Moderna is 190 pages single-spaced. It was released two business days before the June 14-15 VRBPAC meeting. A similar risk benefit assessment for Pfizer’s EUA application for kids under 5 was released tomorrow just 24 hours before the meeting. This guaranteed that NONE of the members of the VRBPAC had thoroughly read either of these documents prior to the meeting — which is exactly what the cartel wants.
We have no data on how long a vaccine gives protection for young children. We know for adults it is just a matter of months.
As of February, 75% of children in the U.S. already had natural immunity from prior infection. It could easily be over 90% of children today given how ubiquitous Omicron has been since then. The CDC’s own research shows that natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity and a recent New England Journal of Medicine study from Israel has questioned the benefits of vaccinating previously infected persons. Many countries have long credited natural immunity towards vaccine mandates. But not the U.S.
Data on pediatric COVID-19 cases in children show, for the vast majority, COVID-19 infection is asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, and is self-limiting. Of the very few children who develop more severe illness requiring hospital attendance, the majority have underlying health conditions.
Of the 73 million children in the U.S., of the children between 0 to 5-years old, 453 have died with COVID and 846 between ages 5-18 years old died with COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Whereas, about 50,000 (as of 2021) children under 14 have died of all causes since the start of the pandemic, according to the CDC.
Fact-based resources and news sources
US agencies aren’t ‘following the science’ on COVID — and staff are too scared to complain. By Marty Makary and Tracy Beth Høeg experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' doctors claim letter to FDA raising questions about the safety and efficacy of C19 vaccines for the children.
Resources for the vaccine injured
Real Not Rare “An independent, grass-roots movement comprised of thousands of people who have become united through our human suffering. This is not political. NOT here to debate the vaccine program or masks. Many of us have lost loved ones to covid, and take it seriously. We simply need quality acknowledgment, quality healthcare, and compensation for the injured.”
DeMed Forum
“Please post your personal story of vaccine injury you have experienced. For doctors, please post and discuss your own observations and the latest science on this important topic.”
FLCCC Post Vaccine ProtocolFront Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance;
I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment
DailyClout — Naomi Wolf
“The mission of the DailyClout is to empower all people with information, facts and opinion from all viewpoints, that when combined with DailyClout’s proprietary platform, enables them to be well informed and to exercise their rights to directly weigh-in on issues and legislation so that their voices are heard at the local, state or federal level.”
Great information here. Highly recommend.